For Our Clients and Customers
Quality Control

We provide our customers with the safest possible alcohol products.
List of Quality Control Documents

We provide our customers with the safest possible alcohol products.

The Japan Alcohol Corporation never compromises when it comes to quality assurance. We manufacture only the best quality and safest alcohol products for all our customers. Each of our factories has received ISO9001 certification in quality systems management, and it is our long-standing goal to achieve the highest possible standard of quality control throughout all phases of the manufacturing process. We accomplish this by providing thorough and uniform quality control measures from the raw material stage all the way to the final product.

Precisely because fermented alcohol, which is produced from all natural ingredients like sugarcane, is used in a number of applications associated with food products, we will continue our pursuit in setting the top standard for quality management concerning food safety.

Based on our many years of experience and accumulated technological know-how, we will continue to challenge ourselves in attaining further improvements in quality and comprehensive quality management.

The Japan Alcohol Corporation will continue to provide products, services and information so as to satisfy the needs of our customers. All of our factories are ISO14001 certified in environmental management and with this in mind our company aims to achieve an environmental friendly and “recycle-reuse” style of management in every facet of our operations.


List of Quality Control Documents

The following PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader (R). To download a free version of this software, click on the link in the left hand column.

+ fermented alcohol sold by the Japan Alcohol Corporation is produced from entirely natural grown raw materials, making it completely safe and suitable for food-related applications.

Regarding the Safety of Fermented Alcohol (PDF)

+ Products sold by the Japan Alcohol Corporation pose no risks from genetic modifications.

Safety of fermented Alcohol Regarding Genetic Modifications (PDF)

+ Safety Data Sheet (SDS・GHS version)

99 (PDF) (2025.4.1)

95 (PDF) (2025.4.1)

+ Policies Concerning Quality and the Environment

Poster of Quality and Environmental Policies (PDF)
